Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.


I was complaining one day to the Lord. Silly me! And I said, "If the Lord is my Shepherd, how come I have so many wants and needs right now?"

It didn't take long before the Lord answered. "Say it again," He challenged.

So I did, "The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want."

"Am I your Shepherd?" He asked. I had to think about that. Who was really in charge of my life? I realized that I was. I had asked Jesus to step back and stop speaking into my life because I had lost faith in Him (a long story for another time!!). I knew it was crazy, but I had asked Him to back off.

"Again," He requested.

"The Lord IS my shepherd..."

I call Him my Shepherd, but am I really following everywhere He leads? Am I letting Him lead me beside still waters? No, I wasn't, not fully. How could He be when I had asked Him to give me space and not make demands on me while I "figured it out" on my own?

I continued, "The Lord is MY shepherd..."

He certainly wanted to be my shepherd. He paid a huge price to become my shepherd. He hadn't abandoned me when I asked Him to step back, Maybe I should reconsider what I was doing in keeping Him at arm's length.

"The Lord is my SHEPHERD..."

What does a shepherd do? He makes sure the sheep are safe and fed and in a place where they can be still and rest. He rescues them from danger and brings them back when they stray.

Even though I had asked Jesus to step back, He really didn't take His hands off. I was cared for and loved and protected. He was there watching over me because He promised He would never leave me or forsake me. He is faithful to His Word and to His sheep!

"The Lord is my shepherd 'I' shall not want..."

Jesus knows me. He knows my name - in fact, He shut down the whole city of Halifax the day I was born so that I would be named "Holly" - "holy, set apart for God". He chose me. So why would He not care for me?

"The Lord is my shepherd I SHALL NOT want.."

No, if I was honest, didn't I have everything I needed? I have a home and a wonderful family, clothes to wear, food to eat, I get to travel the world on "nothing" (I don't know how He manages, but He does!), I have a car and money in the bank. I am richer than 95% of the people on the planet according to one survey. I SHOULD NOT want!

"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not WANT."

There are a lot of things in this life that I would LIKE to have and THINK I need, but I really do not WANT for anything! Except for an attitude change!!!


Thank You for being my Shepherd. Thank You for the love and care that You pour out on me every single day. Please forgive my arrogance that allows me to think that You, or the world, owe me anything! You are a GOOD SHEPHERD. You look after me and make sure that I have everything I need.

Please help me to see what I DO have and trust You with what I don't have. Help me to trust that I have everything I need to become who You want me to be and do what You have written in Your book of my life before the beginning of time. You HAVE given me everything I need. You have given me The Good Shepherd. You have given me YOURSELF.

Thank You! I love You. 

<>< xo💕 xo💕 xo 💕


Susan Grace N God said...

Hello Holly. Welcome back.....beautifully written...I love you writing from your heart.

My favourite is....."What does a shepherd do? He makes sure the sheep are safe and fed and in a place where they can be still and rest. He rescues them from danger and brings them back when they stray."

I saw a picture a while ago...of an old man kneeling beside a small table with a large piece of bread on a plate and the caption was: "All this and Jesus too......!!!!!!"

Since I saw that picture I get up and look around my room and exclaim....."ALL THIS AND JESUS TOO!!!" PRAISE THE LORD!
Love and hugs coming your way.

Susan Grace N God said...

Holly I have no idea how it's linked to "Susan Grace N God"... But that last comment about your blog was from me, Diane Oliver.....Susan Grace is a good friend of mine.

Holly M Roddam said...

Hi Diane, SO nice to hear from you! Thank you for your comments! I love that "All this and Jesus too!" I might have to steal that!

You are on WordPress from when you and Susan were writing her book 10+ years ago :) So unless you make a new account for yourself, you will still come up under Susan Grace N God. OR if you are not working with her on that anymore, you could probably go to your account settings and change the name that shows when you write to your own name!

Either way, I know it's you :)

Love you!!

Peace & Love,
Holly M <><

Susan Grace N God said...

Wow....thanks for cleaning that up....I Made a book for her on Shutterfly....thanks for learning all you do....you are an endless well of knowledge and wisdom we can all draw from. Love and hugs coming your way my dear friend.


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