Monday, February 13, 2017

Love Your Enemies Pt 1

We are called as the Church to bring GOOD NEWS to the world that is lost and hopeless and hurting. Many are willing to speak the truth, but it is often used as a weapon, “Well, I was just being honest!” But if we speak the truth in LOVE we dispel the darkness and lies of the enemy.

Jesus said, "Love your enemies and pray for those who despitefully use you." What do you pray for someone who despitefully uses you? That they will come to know the truth and be set free from the lies that make them think they are doing good.

How did Germany get to a place where a Holocaust of millions of Jews could happen? People were lulled into it and didn't pay attention to the signs of the times. The Church was silent and then it was too late.

It seems impossible for us to think that could take place today, and yet, the same scenario is lining up, and again, we are asleep at the wheel. The Church needs to rise up, not in fear or compromise, but in LOVE and speak Jesus' TRUTH.

If we are only speaking the truth of "civil rights", we fool ourselves if we think that is how "We shall overcome." We will not overcome without Jesus. The Church, has the key - The Good News of the Prince of Peace. We need to tell people how much God LOVES them and has sent Jesus to die that we might not live under the tyranny of religion and rules that put individuals and whole people groups in bondage. He died that we might have life and have it ABUNDANTLY. People need to know this truth! God is FOR them, not against them. But if we are asleep or fearful of sharing, we are going to end up in a world that was like Nazi Germany all over again.

This is not a time to complain and gripe and bad-mouth people for things we disagree about. This is a time to pray for peace on earth and become part of the solution.

WE have the GOOD NEWS. Jesus left us with one commandment - “Go and preach the Gospel to every nation. Teach them to observe everything I have taught you.” He taught Truth in Love - not condemnation, not judgement, not compromising the truth to make people feel better about their sin, but speaking the truth that can set people free.  ONLY the truth will set you free, and Jesus is the Truth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Relevant as it could be Holly. I was thinking of the verse today, open your mouth and I will fill it (psalm 81:10). And how the Good news of Him is truly one of the best things. I am looking for opportunities to open my mouth.


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