Wednesday, April 26, 2023


At the Taj Mahal
Pastors at the Training Centre in Nepal
1st International Speak in 113 years

As You Go…

I have long believed that when Jesus spoke to His disciples before He returned to the Father He said, "As you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey all the commandments I have given you.”

Well, I found out today that that is a controversial view! It isn't "AS you go,” it's just "GO!"

I understand that we ARE to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD. That is clear. Jesus sent the disciples out and told them to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth. So YES! We are to GO! But it isn't an "either/or". It's a "both/and".

While we are waiting "to go" to some faraway place to which the Lord might send us, we are to live our daily lives, AS WE GO, in such a way that it is evident to all that there is something different about us. We should shine like stars in the universe and bring light to the darkness.

We don't have to wait to go on a mission trip before we live out the great commission.

I have taken that to mean that I am to be "a Christian" in everything that I do and live as though Jesus was standing beside me every minute of the day - because He is! I check my change and if they gave me too much, or didn't charge enough for something, I will point that out. If I find something I make every effort to get it back to its rightful owner. I do what I know is right, not because I want to look good but because I represent Jesus here on earth and that is what He would do.

I don't do it perfectly, by far, but that is my goal. In all areas of life, I am to live as Jesus would. But that is easier said than done.

Jesus’ original command to “Go make disciples” still stands. We are to make disciples, here, overseas, within our own families and everywhere we go. That is not always comfortable for me. I have taught and led people into deeper understanding of their faith and have served a lot in the Church. But as far as evangelizing, it has been more of a hit-and-miss venture. But it has been "as I go".

There have been a few instances of Jesus giving me what I would call "divine encounters" with people and they have come to the Lord. I was very excited about that because it doesn't happen very often. And there have been times when I have had the opportunity to witness to people, and they have not come to the Lord at that point in their journey.There are lots of times when I wonder if I spend too much time "in the Church" and not out in the world evangelizing and winning people to the Lord.

I have actually beaten myself up a lot about this, but I have to believe that if I am to go OUT, the Lord will make a way and let me know that that is what He is calling me to do. In fact, I have just returned from a mission trip to India, Nepal and Singapore. It was wonderful to be "back in the field" sharing about Jesus and the Holy Spirit with believers and a few people who did not know Jesus. I tried to live so that they would see something different in me. I think they did because at least one Muslim tour guide still writes to me.

I know there is a spiritual hunger in the world today. So many, especially young people, do not know who He is and have not even heard basic Bible stories or Jesus' name except as a swear word. They are looking for something though.

I want to speak to people about Jesus, but I don’t always know how to start a conversation about Him. Maybe I just have to start practicing: “Have you ever heard about Jesus of Nazareth? May I tell you about Him?”

There is work to be done here in my Jerusalem "as I go" about my daily life, I can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and be an ambassador for the King. Maybe I just need to be more aware of what is happening around me “as I go”, and be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within me. Jesus can usually find a way to use those who are willing and available.

What do you think? How do you live out the Great Commission that Jesus gave us? I’d love to hear about it!

Peace & Love,

Holly M. <><

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.


I was complaining one day to the Lord. Silly me! And I said, "If the Lord is my Shepherd, how come I have so many wants and needs right now?"

It didn't take long before the Lord answered. "Say it again," He challenged.

So I did, "The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want."

"Am I your Shepherd?" He asked. I had to think about that. Who was really in charge of my life? I realized that I was. I had asked Jesus to step back and stop speaking into my life because I had lost faith in Him (a long story for another time!!). I knew it was crazy, but I had asked Him to back off.

"Again," He requested.

"The Lord IS my shepherd..."

I call Him my Shepherd, but am I really following everywhere He leads? Am I letting Him lead me beside still waters? No, I wasn't, not fully. How could He be when I had asked Him to give me space and not make demands on me while I "figured it out" on my own?

I continued, "The Lord is MY shepherd..."

He certainly wanted to be my shepherd. He paid a huge price to become my shepherd. He hadn't abandoned me when I asked Him to step back, Maybe I should reconsider what I was doing in keeping Him at arm's length.

"The Lord is my SHEPHERD..."

What does a shepherd do? He makes sure the sheep are safe and fed and in a place where they can be still and rest. He rescues them from danger and brings them back when they stray.

Even though I had asked Jesus to step back, He really didn't take His hands off. I was cared for and loved and protected. He was there watching over me because He promised He would never leave me or forsake me. He is faithful to His Word and to His sheep!

"The Lord is my shepherd 'I' shall not want..."

Jesus knows me. He knows my name - in fact, He shut down the whole city of Halifax the day I was born so that I would be named "Holly" - "holy, set apart for God". He chose me. So why would He not care for me?

"The Lord is my shepherd I SHALL NOT want.."

No, if I was honest, didn't I have everything I needed? I have a home and a wonderful family, clothes to wear, food to eat, I get to travel the world on "nothing" (I don't know how He manages, but He does!), I have a car and money in the bank. I am richer than 95% of the people on the planet according to one survey. I SHOULD NOT want!

"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not WANT."

There are a lot of things in this life that I would LIKE to have and THINK I need, but I really do not WANT for anything! Except for an attitude change!!!


Thank You for being my Shepherd. Thank You for the love and care that You pour out on me every single day. Please forgive my arrogance that allows me to think that You, or the world, owe me anything! You are a GOOD SHEPHERD. You look after me and make sure that I have everything I need.

Please help me to see what I DO have and trust You with what I don't have. Help me to trust that I have everything I need to become who You want me to be and do what You have written in Your book of my life before the beginning of time. You HAVE given me everything I need. You have given me The Good Shepherd. You have given me YOURSELF.

Thank You! I love You. 

<>< xo💕 xo💕 xo 💕


At the Taj Mahal Pastors at the Training Centre in Nepal 1st International Speak in 113 years As You Go… I have long believed that when Jesu...