I saw a sign that said, give blood on Friday.
I read it twice, then I realized,
“This is Good Friday! I don’t have to give blood.
Jesus already did!”

Today is the Saturday between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. I read a post on Facebook by Greg Goebel http://anglicanpastor.com/im-not-an-anglican/ and he made me think of something I had never considered in all the years of celebrating Easter. What was it like on Saturday??
Jesus was dead. So many people were in shock and mourning. So many more weren’t even aware of the significance of all that had happened the day before. Even the disciples didn’t realize what really happened! Jesus was gone and now what were they going to do? Their whole world had crumbled around them. And yet, their countrymen went on as if nothing had changed.
Greg had a great perspective.
“On Holy Saturday I’m always torn between the routines of family life and the utter silence of all creation while Christ lies in the tomb. How can things go on as normal? Why did the earth continue to revolve and people to eat, drink, and be merry as Christ lay in the tomb, dead. Death is silent to the living. He was not moving. He was not there. When will God answer? We had hoped for more. This hope is not just an Anglican hope, its a human hope.”
Yesterday, was also the 9th anniversary of my Dad’s passing. I remember sensing Heaven being much closer now that Dad was there too. I didn’t feel an emptiness because, unlike the disciples, I knew Dad was alive and with the Living Saviour. The disciples didn’t know what was going on. But God had a plan and was working everything together for their good.
Death is not my problem 😇. It’s living each day before that graduation day. And like the disciples, I am often bewildered by “what the heck” is going on and “where is God when I need Him most?” But this Easter, I take away a new lesson.
On this Easter Saturday, I am going to “Be still and know that He is God” because God still has a plan. He is still working everything together for my good. Now I just need to remember, it might be Friday... it might be Saturday... but Sunday’s coming! And I think we all know what that means!
The Lord is Risen!!!

He is Risen Indeed!!!