Saturday, March 18, 2017

A Little Truth about Going Our Own Way

“Speaking the Truth in Love”

A Little Truth about Going Our Own Way

In the past couple of decades, we have been bullied into keeping our opinions, thoughts, and even beliefs to ourselves, because of “political correctness”. We are to believe that there is no right or wrong, except what is right for me, and wrong for you to think about me!

We have lost our moral compass and so anything goes, and no one can tell me what to do! But look where it has gotten us. “Causes” and “rights” have created a world where there is more selfishness, division and destruction than we have seen in decades, if not centuries.

Proverbs 14:12 tells us “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” This is repeated in Prov 16:25. I think the Lord was trying to tell us something! When we leave His will and ways behind, thinking we are being “free”, we often are just deceived into following a pathway that leads us away from God and into destruction.

Jesus came to show us the Way. In fact, He said He was the way, and He leads us to the Throne of Grace where a loving Heavenly Father waits for us to “come home.” He leads us out of darkness and into His eternal light. He invited us to, “Repent and sin no more.”

Sin is rebellion against God. Knowing “better that Him” or declaring, “It’s my life, I can do what I want with it. It isn’t hurting anyone else.” It’s true, you can do what you want, but remember, the way is broad that leads to destruction, and narrow is the path that leads to life eternal. (Matt 7:13) And actually, we are interrelated, so what you do does affect others in your life. When we do what is right in our own eyes and ignore what the Creator declared was the way of life, we are sinning.

God wants us to be holy, as He is holy. Not perfect, but consecrated, set apart for a life that honours Him and His Son. A life that allows the Holy Spirit to move in and through us to make us who the Creator fashioned us to be.

The Truth is, there IS a right and wrong way to live our lives. If we want the most out of life, we should find out what the Father intended for us. “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for Me, you will find it.” (Matt 10:39 NLT) Jesus invites us to the most exciting journey you could ever imagine. Forget about “political correctness”, and discover God’s correct way for your life. There’s no life like it - not even the Marine Corps :)

If you haven’t asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be the Lord and Saviour of your life, why not ask Him today? Discover the Truth about who you are in Him, and just how much He loves you.

Peace & Love,
Holly M. <><

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Speaking the Truth in Love - Why I’m writing this blog    Mar 15, 2017

I, Holly, started this blog because I am utterly amazed at the viciousness of people’s reactions - on both sides of the border, since November’s election!! I thought, “What would Jesus think about all this?” He certainly did not shy away from controversy, but He taught that when we speak, we should speak the truth in LOVE.
Paul brought it home to us in 1 Cor 13:1 (NIV) “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” Because Jesus is the Truth, we are called to speak in such a way that it sets people free.

Words are often used as weapons and to prove our point, or make us better than someone else. Or, we allow ourselves to be shut down because of political correctness.

I have always been one to speak my mind, but just because I might think I’m right, doesn’t mean other people will think that! BUT if I share my opinions with love and curtesy, and listen to their  thoughts, we can actually have a DIALOGUE! and who knows, we might both learn something!! :)

I am a firm believer in “the Truth will set you free,” and if there is Truth being spoken, and I want  Truth, then there will be a witness, and I would be smart to listen!

Christians can play an important part in real communication happening at this crazy time.

Jim Denison, speaks and writes on cultural and contemporary issues. In his column “Texas Congressmen Driving to DC Go Viral” , he wrote: “We are commanded to defend our beliefs ‘with gentleness and respect’ (1 Peter 3:15) by ‘speaking the truth in love’ (Ephesians 4:15). The greater our opposition, the greater our opportunity.”
Light shines in the darkness!

Shane Claiborne is a social activist, advocating for nonviolence and service to the poor. He put it well when he said, “…There are lots of people speaking the truth with no love, and there are a lot of people talking about love without much truth.”

The Church has the Truth. We HAVE to speak out. But it is not going to do anyone any good if we are just as angry as the people we are talking to. Can we show the difference that Jesus makes when He comes to live inside? Can we love our enemies and pray for those who despitefully use us (see my blog “Love Your Enemies Pt 1 Can we show the way forward by speaking the truth with respect, giving dignity to others, and rising above to love our enemies?

I for one will be trying.


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